Believe in Your Core Energy

The other day I was invited by one of my ex-pat friends to visit a “rooster market” for the first time. Today I would like to share about the energy and underlying power I felt there.

Tori-no-ichi is a festival to celebrate the past year's success and pray for next year's happiness.

There were many people there at this big one in Asakusa, and I could hear their cheerful shouts.

At that moment, I felt a sense of joy.

I think it was because I could feel the momentum and vitality of the people in the midst of the various difficulties of the past few years and the coming times, which are also anticipated to be difficult in a different way.

And conversely, it is precisely because we are going through difficult times that there was a lot of energy in the bottom of the hearts of people who were willing to do their best!

I was filled with the feeling of "Let's give it our all.”

And before writing this blog, I was reminded of the earthquake 11 years ago.

When people face difficulties, they emit tremendous underlying strength and energy.

Although the earthquake happened only in Japan at the time of the disaster, I vividly remember how my colleagues at the time, who came from various countries, worked together to overcome the difficulties.

We each did the best we could, and in the end, we were able to overcome the hardship.

Now we are facing a difficult time on a completely different level.

However, I still think it is important for each of us to spend our days believing in our own underlying strength and energy, while doing the best we can.

I also believe that there is no need to follow a certain method because other countries do it a particular way.

In a positive sense, each country and each person has their own method, and when they become a collective body, it becomes a good overall energy body.

In my own interpretation, the energy I felt at the rooster market was "Let's do our best from now on,” and I was happy because I felt that we will not be defeated… and that there is still a lot of power in people.

People are still wearing masks in Japan, but I hope the day will come when I can say that there was a time like this.

How is everyone starting December?

How do you want to end this week?

It's a time of many events, so please take good care of yourselves!

I wish you all a week with many smiles on your face!


Catching Up Face-to-face


Commitment to Yourself