#238 Messages from the land Part 1

Do you have any places that you have a connection to? Even if you have never been there, do you feel nostalgic in some way? Are there places where you feel inspired in a different way than where you live?

Last year I traveled to Hawaii and Singapore for the first time in several years.

Because it had been several years since I had been there last, I felt many things.

I remembered those experiences while watching "Another Sky" which is a TV show about traveling to the place where it brings some meaning to the traveler.

Singapore was the place where I started my management career.

It was the place where I took on personal challenges, such as managing a team for the first time and starting up a team from scratch. 

It was also a place that brought me many special encounters.

Even now, I am warmly welcomed by my close friends, former colleagues, and team members.

However, when I went there last year, I felt that I was getting a different message in the cab on the way back to the airport.

Normally, the message would have been simple: "Come back anytime.“

Of course, the warm welcome I received last time was the same, but there was an additional message.

The message was that the next time I come back, I should come back in a clearly upgraded form. 

I have long had a goal of conducting human resource development and other workshops abroad.

I have been thinking about doing that there for some time, so I took the message to mean that I should continue to take action to make that happen.

I felt like I was being pushed to focus on the present and come back when it is more concrete.

Why this place… and why do I feel this way? I can't explain it with logic, but the message I received in the taxi was "Come back when you have a better focus.”

Even if the initial trigger was work, there is something about the sense of connection afterwards.

Here is the blog post I wrote during the latter half of the trip. Please take a look if you would like to read it from here.

Do you have such a place that pushes you and challenges you in a good way?

If you do, I would be very happy if you could share them with me via comments or DM!

The messages from the land  will be continued in Part 2: Hawaii.

We are starting to talk about the Golden Week Holiday in Japan.

I know many of you will be traveling, so I hope you receive some messages from wherever you go!

I wish everyone a week full of smiles!



#239 Messages from the land Part 2


#237 The Direction of Your Arrow