#237 The Direction of Your Arrow

When you are trying to make a decision, what do you base that decision on? Is that arrow pointing toward others or toward yourself?

In my case, I listen to the opinions of those around me, but in the end, I value making my own decisions. This is because if you rely on others to make the decision for you, it will eventually come back to you like a boomerang.

Of course, this does not mean that we do not consult with others at all, or that we do not listen to other people's opinions.

It is an important part of the process to talk to the people you need to talk to, and to ask the people whose opinions you want to hear.

I am conscious of the fact that I listen to a variety of opinions, digest them in my mind, and make a final decision on my own.

I think this is because I have experienced that doing so gives me a completely different sense of conviction.

I believe that some people find it difficult to make decisions on their own and do not know what to do.

In such cases, I think it is effective to talk to people you trust, people who you consider to be your cheerleader.

You can also try coaching.

I believe it is important to first understand how to guide yourself to a decision that is right for you.

I think it is a good idea to look back into the past and recheck your own arrow patterns and see if you were overly reliant on others, or if you were taking responsibility for your own decisions.

This weekend I was repeatedly thinking about the importance of understanding myself.

On a personal note, I was invited by a close friend to a candle night event!

The nighttime air was a bit cold, but I was able to enjoy the space surrounded by the beautiful light.

And most of all, the quality time with my friend gave me energy, and I’m so grateful for my friendship!

Which way does the arrow point when you make a decision?

And is there a way to discern and make decisions that you think is best for you?

For the past few days, the weather in Japan has been like early summer in the daytime.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#238 Messages from the land Part 1


#236 Not Taking Everyday For Granted