#239 Messages from the land Part 2

Messages from the land Part 2 is Hawaii.

Many Japanese people visit Hawaii, and some of you may be there now during the long holidays.

My sisters live in Hawaii along with their own families, and I have had the opportunity to visit there more often than ever before.

Also, when I was a student, I stayed in Hawaii with my grandfather, grandmother, and aunt for a little longer than usual as a transition to a full-fledged study abroad program on the east coast of the US.

In this sense, I feel that “family” is the theme of the islands for me.

I also quit my corporate job for a while and stayed there for a long period of time as well.

In the end, many things came full circle, and here I am today back in Japan.

Every time I go back, I feel the same feelings of happiness and relief when I look back at the photos.

At the same time, I also get a glimpse of the harshness of making a living there, and I am impressed by how well they are doing.

After all, it is one of the world's leading tourist destinations, islands with many cultural backgrounds, and on the other hand, it is also a land with many military bases.

It is a land with many faces, and I always feel a balance between the superficial “paradise” aspect.

As I mentioned the keyword “family” earlier, it is a place where the good and the bad coexist together. 

In terms of work, my current message is that it’s not the best match in relation to finance and human resource development at this moment.

Of course, I could see the possibility of conducting special retreats and collaborations in the future. 

At this stage, I still feel the message that this land is a place where I can connect with my “family”.

It is a place where I can release my usual roles and responsibilities and receive energy. At the same time, it is a place that shows me the complexity and severity of things.

Is there such a place for you?

For those of you who have been to Hawaii, what kind of messages have you felt?

I would be very happy to receive your messages through comments or DMs.

The next series of messages from the land will take place in the United States, where I spent seven years as a student!

I know many people in Japan are traveling for the holidays.

Please take care and enjoy yourselves as you receive messages from the land, wherever you may go!

I wish all of you, including the rest of you, a week with many smiles!




#240 Messages from the land Part 3


#238 Messages from the land Part 1