#230 Everyday Scenery

Sometimes I can understand how I am in the present state of mind by an ordinary view from my daily life. Specifically, the scenery that I see on my daily walks, even though it is the same place, evokes different feelings in me depending on how I’m feeling.

I started taking daily walks as a habit when I started working from home during COVID.

After all, when you are in the house all day long, sometimes you feel trapped.

So even now, I still continue to take short walks three times a day, morning, noon, and night.

There are three main routes: the morning/afternoon route, the evening route, and the weekend route.

The morning/afternoon route is a walk around the residential area of my neighborhood, thinking about my plans for the day and what the day will be like.

At that time, I also feel like I am patrolling the neighborhood on my own, lol.

Mostly, I feel like I'm organizing my thoughts about the day's work and what I need to do.

For the night route, the pedestrian bridge is the main route.

This is a pedestrian bridge over an intersection, where you can walk regardless of cars, traffic lights, etc.

This is a route I discovered during COVID, and I just walk around and around that pedestrian bridge a set number of times.

At first I thought I might look like a suspicious person, but now I don't think that at all, lol.

This place has a very clear view, and you can see sunsets and airplanes.

After work at night, I look at the view of the sky and reflect on the day and what happened that day.

For example, if things went well, I look up at the sky with a sense of relief.

On the other hand, if things did not go so well, the sky may look cloudier than usual.

Also, when it was difficult for me to travel abroad, when I saw a plane, I sometimes wondered when I would be able to get on it again.

The last one is the weekend route.

This is the route of the Hachiman Shrine in my neighborhood that I visit when I have time on weekends and before coaching sessions or events.

I pay my respects and sit for a while on a bench on the shrine property to feel the season. I try to enjoy the changes of the season.

Recently, the plum blossoms were blooming beautifully (photo above).

Since I have time when I visit here, I look back on things and feel my emotions deeply.

When I get in touch with nature again, even just a little, I can feel my energy shift.

As I wrote in my last blog, I am in the process of intentionally installing images of "the scenery” that is important to me in the future.

Even in the same place, I feel differently on different days.

I realized once again that my walking route is a barometer of my state of mind.

Do you have anything that you use as a barometer of your own feelings?

It may be the scenery of your daily life or music.

And what are the views you would like to cherish from now on?

This is the last week of February; I really feel the importance of time every day.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#231 Spring Cleaning of the Mind and Heart


#229 Where is your comfortable frequency?