#229 Where is your comfortable frequency?

I was thinking about the significance of finding the most comfortable frequency over the weekend, so I wanted to share about my thought process in this post.

I think that I am at a certain crossroads in some areas of my life, and there is one particular area in my personal life where I want to make a change.

Until now, I think the focus/spotlight has been on improving only the work part of my life.

It has been a few years since I started to feel that I want to further fulfill myself in my personal life.

Whenever I would think about this topic, I come back to this question:

Is this really what I want?

I have taken some concrete actions, but they have never led to concrete results.

I wondered if there was something wrong with me.

But as I dug deeper, the realization that came to me was:

"I have to be in alignment with my own heartbeat."


"Imagine what feelings you want to be feeling."

In my case, I had made a lot of lists, but I had not yet reached the stage where I could really feel it in my core.

So this time, I am “installing” some images with pictures and music.

By doing so, the frequency that I emit will change, which will cause a change in the things I attract.

Ultimately, I believe this will lead to my overall improvement and the happiness of those around me as well.

I am sure that you have experienced that when things are going well, the results come out somewhat quickly.

This is because you are approaching the situation with the right vibration.

I don't know what it is, but I don't think it is a logical thing to feel happy or emotionally moved in certain moments.

For example, when I see a beautiful picture or hear a piece of music that moves me, I try to be aware of the part of my senses that are moved.

I have also realized that if you divide yourself too much into work and personal life, you will not be able to reach the stage where you are ultimately comfortable.

I will continue to enjoy this Journey of Knowing Myself!

I am starting the week off with an energizing red flower.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#230 Everyday Scenery


#228 Start by Facing Yourself First!