#228 Start by Facing Yourself First!

On Saturday, we had an in-person group coaching session on "Maintaining Your Momentum in 2024," where we discussed the mindset needed to work and thrive this year, and how to maintain the momentum from the New Year. I will share what I have learned with you from the session.

Beyond efficiency and task management, there is a need for more time, more peace of mind, and, as a result, a more improved quality of life.

I also explained the structure of the 7-day cycle of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge, and we talked about the past and future plans of the participants and how we will implement them and connect them to keeping their momentum going.

It also seems to be rare that someone like myself who still work for a major corporation does personal coaching work, so I used myself as an example to talk about creating added value for yourself across genres and careers.

I shared my mission statement for my work in human resource development and coaching, and asked everyone to come up with their own mission statement.

I reaffirmed that this is another part of keeping their momentum going.

What I felt most after this face-to-face session was really simple: start from the place where you face yourself.

Seeing how everyone was sincerely confronting themselves, I felt that I would like to continue the dialogue myself as well, and putting things into action one by one.

The energy we felt when we gathered together, which is only possible in a face-to-face session, was also great.

Listening to each other's sharing, there was an atmosphere of increased motivation.

This is an important part of maintaining momentum.

I feel that this was a result of the genuineness and seriousness with which the participants faced their inner selves this time.

Since it was also the day of Chinese New Year, it was a very good day to think about momentum together with everyone. I’m grateful for the time we had together.

How seriously do you take yourself on a daily basis?

What are the areas where you feel you add unique values?

Are they connected to your momentum?

It was a three-day weekend for everyone in Japan.

I wish everyone, including those in other countries, a week with at least one more smile!


#229 Where is your comfortable frequency?


#227 Believe in Your Client