#227 Believe in Your Client

This is the third blog post about learning from the comments from my private coaching clients. This time I would like to focus on believing in yourself and in the power of your clients.

The clients who want a service like coaching often feel a wobble in their confidence or decision-making skills.

I wonder if I can really do this?

Is it too early for me?

Is this the right time?

Iʻm sure we’ve all had those thoughts.

But what if there was someone who could help you rediscover your true potential?

What if there was a support system that could bring out where you are and what you need to do to get to where you want to be?

There are many parts of ourselves that we underestimate and don't see.

In coaching, we bring out the answers from within you and accompany you through the process together.

As a coach, I believe it is important to believe in the innate power of the client.

I also believe that this strong belief is conveyed to the client.

When I receive comments like the one below, I feel truly happy to be a coach:

I am grateful that even when I wanted to give up, you never ever gave up on me.

C.I. (9 times of personal coaching)

What makes me even happier is when I receive reports that they are living a life that is true to themselves.

Just the other day, I received several such reports, which made me very happy.

I know that sometimes it is difficult for people, myself included, to believe in ourselves.

But what if there is someone who believes in you?

I believe that can be all it takes sometimes to take the next step forward.

It is snowing and very cold in Tokyo today!

Please take care of yourselves.

We have a group session this weekend, so I’m starting to work on that preparation as I watch the snowfall.

I wish you a week full of smiles!


#228 Start by Facing Yourself First!


#226 Coaching to Deepen All Aspects of Self-understanding