#231 Spring Cleaning of the Mind and Heart

March has started, and we’re beginning to feel the warmth of the daytime sun a little more here in Japan. I feel the importance of taking a moment to stop and look back at the previous season(s) when the seasons are changing… and during this time, I feel the need to do a little “spring cleaning” of my mind and heart.

In my last blog post, I shared with you about visualizing the scenery I want to see in my life in the future.

The image I want to see is becoming more and more concrete, but I feel that I need to make it even more concrete.

To do so, I think it might be better to take a different, objective viewpoint and a completely different approach than what I’ve been doing up until now - after all, we won’t get different results unless we try different methods.

I am sure that this will be a challenge at times.

There are situations in which I am confronted with a feeling of discomfort, and facing it is hard and uncomfortable.

I have dealt with this part in my work life, but in my personal life, there are parts that I have not been able to deal with.

This is probably because I have avoided confronting and facing it honestly.

In any case, I think the time has come for me to face it.

The process of moving forward step by step is to visualize the "scenery” that is important to me from now on.

In my case, I started with a visual image.

I saw a sunset when I went for a drive with a friend.

I felt a "sense of relief" and a "sense of being held" when I saw this sunset.

This is the type of feeling I want to have in a specific aspect of my personal life, and looking back to the past, I have not focused on these feelings.

That's why I still feel uncomfortable and challenged there.

But in order to improve my overall ability to the next level, I decided that I could not avoid that part.

I have to get rid of what I don't need and create new space.

I am spring cleaning my head and heart, and preparing for the next level.

How did you feel at the start of March?

What kind of view would you like to see from now on?

I wish you all a week with at many smiles on your face!


#232 The Cycle of Life


#230 Everyday Scenery