#225 Coaching that Creates a Virtuous Cycle

As I was reflecting on my own business and coaching activities the other day, I realized that I have a lot to learn from the comments of my personal coaching clients. I would like to share a few of them with you and link them to what I am going to do in the future.

The client I am going to share this time requested coaching for the purpose of "increasing awareness and action.”

The reason for this was that he thought it would be more effective than self-coaching.

Of course, self-coaching is effective, but I also believe that the perspective of others makes a difference in how motivation turns into actual action.

Itʻs easy to get trapped into a bad spiral when just dealing with it in your own mind.

And I think this is when having support from a coach can push you to step out of your own mind and take action.

It is important that you find the final answer within yourself, and that you are satisfied with it.

However, it is very reassuring to have your own "support team" in the process.

I am very happy to report that this client has entered into a positive spiral after the ongoing coaching.

“The coaching and the presence of the coach helped to create a virtuous cycle of "doing" first of all. I found it very useful to utilize coaching at the right time in my life when I needed to step up, when I was going in circles, etc." - S.N. (6 personal coaching sessions)

I would like to continue to create a good cycle in my own life.

In order to do so, I must first continue to experience and learn various things so that I myself am in a good spiral.

What kind of cycle are you in right now?

And how is your own action level?

The winter weather is continuing in Japan, so please take care of yourselves!

I wish all of you, including those in other countries and regions, a week with as many smiles as possible!


#226 Coaching to Deepen All Aspects of Self-understanding


#223 A Letter to Myself a Year From Now