#220 The Hidden Inner Hero

I was reminded of the word "hero" again recently, and I wondered if I had been connecting with my "hero" lately. I did a self-check to see if I am taking good care of my "hero."

The meaning of the word "hero" in my mind is twofold.

The first is a hero that takes care of me - maybe like a mother nourishing the inner child.

A hero who will protect my core in case of an emergency.

This is completely different from simply thinking only about yourself… because our cup needs to be filled first so we can be helpful to others.

Recently, there have been times when I have felt that I have not been taking care of myself as much as I should.

So I would like to have this hero appear more often!

Nowadays, we live in a world where everything is connected at all hours of the day.

That is why I think it is very important to have your own foundation, your core.

The second thing is to evoke the hero.

I think this process is especially important if you are satisfied with your current situation and environment to some extent.

But you might want to take on a new challenge or change your environment. However, because everything seems “fine,” only time passes.

In such a situation, can you call up the hero inside you and fight for the change in a positive way?

You are satisfied, but there is a part of you that wishes for something different.

It is at times like this that I feel it is important to call up my own hero.

Some people may find it difficult to do this on their own.

In that case, you can work with a coach or community that is a good fit for you.

I myself do it that way.

Ultimately, I act and make decisions on my own.

But I feel it’s very important to have someone to accompany you in that process.

Do you have an image of your own "hero" in your mind?

What will that hero give to you?

The end of the year is a busy time for many things. I am going to keep continuing the dialogue with my hero.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#221 Reflecting on the year


#219 Self-management Required for Hybrid Work