#219 Self-management Required for Hybrid Work

I know it depends on your profession, but I imagine that many more people these days are working in a hybrid situation like me.

I have my own experience with 100% remote work and 100% in the office, but I feel that the hybrid work style requires a different mindset.

When I worked 100% remotely, I spent as much time as possible compartmentalizing my time.

I would almost create a “theme” to do a specific thing during specific time periods.

This includes not only my work, but also all of my personal life. When you are 100% remote, there is no boundary between the "on" and "off” time periods.

That's why it's important to keep your work time separate and have fun with the themes you choose.

I also decide how long I will work on a particular project, and then I will only work on it until a certain time! After that, I would only work on a case by case basis, and only if the tasks were urgent.

These are the things I still have to practice in my hybrid work situation.

I also decided to take a walk and exercise continuously.

During the COVID time period, I went to a nice pedestrian bridge in my neighborhood to get in shape.

This photo is of my feet taken at that time! LOL.

And something I am conscious of now that I go to work an average of 10 days a month.

First, I am continuing to do what I was conscious of when I was at home 100% of the time.

I enjoy having my own theme time and I take advantage of the focus time that only being in my own space can provide.

When I do detailed preparation work, I listen to my favorite radio station while I work, which in my case leads to a considerable increase in efficiency.

I am also conscious of what I do on the days I go into the office.

I take the time to interact not only with my team members, but also with the rest of the team.

Having lunch together to promote casual communication, as well as being face-to-face in meetings promote deeper communication than over a distance, especially when it comes to difficult issues.

I try to keep in mind the purpose of the meeting before going into it, which is to have a deeper dialogue.

Also, when we have visitors coming from overseas, I do the same thing.

I have also noticed that the amount of food I cook at home is different from when I am 100% remote or at the office.

When I first switched from remote to hybrid, I made the mistake of buying the wrong amount of groceries.

After that, there was a change in the amount of dry cleaning as well.

I don't wear many super formal suits, but the change in what I wear has resulted in a slight increase in the amount of dry cleaning.

In any case, I think the key is to know how you can maximize your performance in that environment.

And that is something that you have to continuously develop through trial and error.

Also, it is important to be flexible in the face of changes in the environment.

I feel that this is also something that will become increasingly important in the future.

Do you think you are maximizing your performance in your current environment?

If not, what can you do?

And what do you think is the mindset you need for the future?

It was so warm in Japan over the weekend that it was hard to believe that it was December.

Temperatures are expected to fluctuate wildly this week, so please take care of yourself!

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#220 The Hidden Inner Hero


#218 Life Journey Beyond "Efficiency”