#218 Life Journey Beyond "Efficiency”

Over the weekend, we held a special edition of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge. This time, we connected with Hawaii Island and held our first virtual tour. I felt that we can end the year in a very good way after sharing and exchanging positive energies.

Several years ago, I had decided to move to Hawaii to be with my family for a little while and quit my job in Tokyo and everything else I was doing at the time.

I knew that what I wanted to do to be involved in human resource development.

I was thinking of holding workshops there, bringing together specialists from various fields.

However, the overall timing was not right, and due to various other factors, I had to return to Japan.

It took about a year to rebuild.

I then worked as an outsourcer, learned about coaching, etc., and now I have two jobs.

When I was planning this special year-end edition, I came up with the idea to include a tour from the Big Island of Hawaii, even though it was just online.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to let people realize that it is not just a simple "efficiency improvement" or "streamlining," as some of the past participants of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge have told me.

We also talked about Hawaii and life on the island, and participants reflected on their own life charts.

What I felt through this one-week challenge with everyone was the depth of the experience of facing your inner self.

That is why we had this wrap-up session, a time to face ourselves comprehensively and to reflect on our life chart.

We were able to spend a very good time while feeling the breeze of the Big Island of Hawaii.

I also learned a lot of new things from this experience.

For example, how can we help more people understand that it is not just about a simple improvement in efficiency?

I also felt that I would like to host some in-person workshops with different experts in the near future.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the challenge and my family from Big Island of Hawaii for their support.

I hope to continue to make progress one step at a time so I can be there for all of the people who have been involved in my life journey and for those who will be involved in my life journey in the future!

The life journey continues beyond “increasing efficiency/productivity” for each of us.

I hope that this journey will be a great one!

It was the last chance to enjoy the autumn foliage, so I went to enjoy the seasons with friends this past weekend.

Time like this is so precious to me - grateful for my friends I get to do this with.

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#219 Self-management Required for Hybrid Work


#217 What is Efficiency?