#217 What is Efficiency?

Boost Your Efficiency Challenge (Year-End Special Edition) is now underway, and I have quickly noticed some of my own findings from Day 1.

As is always the case with the Challenge, I’m also taking part in the Challenge with the participants. This is because I always discover something new about myself, and I simply find it enjoyable.

On the contrary, I wondered if there were people who were not interested in getting to know themselves as human beings.

Also, in the journey of life, my environment is always changing.

So I think it is natural that what I feel is different from, for example, the last time I did the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge.

That is proof that I am alive, and I want to become more and more able to enjoy the changes.

In the past, I strongly felt that I need to seek "efficiency" and I was torturing myself as a result.

For example, I was only doing tasks for the sake of doing tasks, or I was thinking that I was efficient only because I could cross things off of my task list. 

But being efficient is MUCH more than that - it is actually about giving ourselves more quality time and therefore more freedom. With more freedom and time comes more time to take care of ourselves as well as the people we love.

That is why I reaffirmed the importance of valuing the core of myself and connecting it to what is important to the people around me.

That is why I remind myself every day what I want to focus on, and I will set healthy boundaries for myself from now on in a positive way.

As I read the comments of those who are participating in the Boot Your Efficiency Challenge, I hope it will be an opportunity for them to find the "efficiency" that is right for them and lead to a new discovery of yourself.

The only person at the helm of your life's journey is you.

That is why I hope it will be a chance for you to face yourself, even if only a little.

What does efficiency mean to you?

Is there something you are doing which is actually tormenting yourself?

Over a cup of delicious coffee at the workspace where we held our first in-person session, I was thinking about the wrap-up session for this Challenge that will take place this weekend, which will also include a virtual Hawaii tour.

This simple, quiet time was very valuable to me, and the kind of “quality time” that I cherish and encourage in the participants.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#218 Life Journey Beyond "Efficiency”


#216 Visible and Invisible Assets in Your Career