#213 What is a “career” for you?

I know it's different for everyone, but what does your career mean to you? And is it something that fulfills you?

I have shared various career-related topics in past blog posts, but I have been thinking a bit again about what a “career” means to me.

And I guess the point is simple.

In the past, I would have answered, "It's something you work hard to build.”

That then equates to a good salary, benefits, position, etc.

But for me now, I feel that what is truly important is what fulfills me.

I think I feel this because of the experiences I have had so far, both good and bad ones (perhaps especially the bad ones, from which I learned some major lessons).

Now that I have gone around the block to some extent, I think it is important to grasp what fulfills me and move forward.

Therefore, a career for me now is "something that fulfills me and that I will continue to build on.”

That is why I feel it is important and it is not something that stays in one form or scope.

When I was in Singapore the other day, a former colleague said to me, “Why don't you come back here?” A simple suggestion.

It is not the right time right now, but I would like to think about it from various angles without being bound by my current situation.

Like myself, I believe that we have all undergone major changes in the way we work over the past few years.

I am sure that our lifestyles and values have also changed along with it.

While writing this blog, I looked up the official definition of the word “career” in the dictionary.

The following is a quote from the dictionary:

"A career is the professional experience, skills, and knowledge that an individual accumulates throughout his or her life. This is not limited to a single occupation or workplace, but is formed through job changes, skill development, and personal development. Careers are formed based on an individual's abilities, aptitudes, and values, and are elements that enrich a person's life."

I found myself a little surprised when I read this.

In a way, it was because it was a definition that was close to what I have been drawing and portraying.

How about you?

What does your career mean to you?

I thought it was important to ask yourself, "Does it feel right to you?”

The photo above was taken 20 years ago, the day I was headed to Singapore to think about the future of my career.

If I had not taken this step, I certainly would not be where I am today.

There are only a few days left in October!

I hope that each of you will cherish the present and that your future will be even richer.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#214 What Lies Beyond Efficiency


#212 No Second Chances