#214 What Lies Beyond Efficiency

What do you imagine when you hear the word "efficiency"? Are you in a hurry to improve work efficiency because you are busy and don't have time?

I used to think that it was simply a matter of saving time.

But then I would drive myself into a corner, and as a result, I would become exhausted.

I am sure that many people can relate to this.

Especially in Japan, I feel that there is still a strong notion that everything must be done by oneself.

Also, "hard work" on the surface is often still valued, and I think this does not lead to "efficiency" in the true sense of the word.

In my case, I have had many painful experiences in the past.

So one day I decided to take a step back and analyze myself.

Is this “efficiency” really suited to my nature?

What do I want?

I asked myself these questions on a daily basis.

As a result, I was able to find a particular form that suited me, and now I feel that I am able to proceed in a way that suits me.

After all, understanding one's own nature is a very crucial element, and we have to prioritize that in order to be helpful at all to others.

For example, I used to think that I was good at detailed scheduling and other things, but in the past few years, I have rediscovered that I also fundamentally enjoy the process of scheduling things in!

It is very interesting to rediscover yourself even after you become an adult.

This is a little different from work efficiency, but it is also interesting to look back at how I was when I was a child and see how I that connects to the rediscovery of my nature.

My father once said to me, "You were a very funny kid.” (The photo above is from that silly age)

I think I am able to show that side of myself these days, of course at appropriate times and places lol.

Do you know what you are good at and what you are not good at?

And how would you feel if you could truly connect to the concept of efficiency while understanding your own nature?

We are planning to hold another Boost Your Efficiency Challenge at the end of this month!

It is November but the weather keeps fluctuating between strangely warm days and cold days in Japan.

I wish all of you, including those in other countries, a week with as many smiles as possible!


#215 Jobs that "Utilize" English


#213 What is a “career” for you?