#212 No Second Chances

This is the last in a series of articles on a keyword that has recently come up in my mind! This time, it's "life never happens twice.” I would like to end this series by sharing what I honestly feel.

I know everyone feels differently, but I feel that time is passing very quickly these days.

It is a feeling that is not simply a feeling of being overwhelmed by a long task list.

The feeling has its destination, and it's a feeling linked to a certain fear… a fear that time is going by so quickly that my emotions cannot keep up.

If only I could always be completely honest with myself… and be able to not censor myself, even partially.

When this fear of not being able to keep up with time itself came up, I found it helpful to know the best way to recover from emotional turmoil for me.

In my case, I recover by facing it quietly within myself.

Instead of pointing the arrow at the people around me, I often point it at myself.

By doing so, I feel a different sense of satisfaction with myself.

For example, when if I don't take the time to face the fear myself, it takes me a longer time to recover.

Of course, when you are going through a difficult time, you may not want to face it, but that is part of being human.

I have been feeling particularly bothered for the past few days for no apparent reason.

I decided that I needed to have a little talk with myself, so I went on a day trip, partly because the weather was nice.

I had a delicious lunch, went to a hot spring in nature, and faced my own blurred feelings.

I am still in the process of recovering, but I don't think it will take much more time.

I think it is very important to check regularly what I need and what kind of time I want to spend in the future.

Thereʻs limited time in this life, and we only get one shot at it.

It will lead you to be able to say that you have lived a life with no regrets as much as possible.

When you hit a wall in your life, do you have your own way to recover?

And what feelings come to your mind when you realize that you don't have two chances in life?

Following last week, weʻve been enjoying beautiful fall weather in the Kanto region here in Japan.

Feeling the season and feeling the present moment, gives me energy.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#213 What is a “career” for you?


#211 To Be Happy