#211 To Be Happy

This is the sixth in a series of keywords that have recently appeared in my mind! This time it is "To be happy."

What is the definition of happiness? I looked it up again in the dictionary.

There were several meanings, but the one that seemed to fit me the best was the one described in the Kojien dictionary.

It means "to have a fulfilled heart."

This is a very deep meaning, and I think it is difficult to understand if you are not conscious of it.

Nowadays, there are so many changes and things are accelerating every day.

In these times, if we are not conscious of "being content in our heart," I think we can sometimes feel that our heart is left behind.

And what kind of state is the state of a fulfilled heart?

It is not someone else's definition, but your own.

For some people, that may not be clear at the moment.

In that case, I felt again that it is very important to reflect on oneself even for a short time every day.

Happiness = a feeling of a fulfilled heart

Understanding the meaning of feeling your heart fulfilled.. in your own terms.

So the key phrase “to be happy” can also be written as "to have a  fulfilled heart.”

What does this mean for you?

And have you taken any action to feel that?

I was reminded of the feedback I have received from past participants of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge.

In this challenge, you will be asked to define and experience quality time for yourself. There were many people who said that understanding themselves made such a difference in the quality of their every day life.

And this is transmitted to the people around them as vibrations.

I think that I will plan another Boost Your Efficiency Challenge toward the end of the year.

I love to decorate my home with seasonal decorations, so over the weekend, I decorated my home with autumn decorations.

Itʻs such a simple thing, but being able to see these decorations will make me feel happy and full of joy.

It is a beautiful autumn day in the Kanto region of Japan today!

I plan on going outside during lunch time to feel the autumn air.

I wish everyone everywhere a happy week!


#212 No Second Chances


#210 What we have now