#206 The Need for Fusion

This is a keyword series that came out of me recently! This time, the keyword that came up is "Fusion”.

I started by looking up the meaning of the word.

In my case, I always look up the meaning of the word in a dictionary.

The following is a quote from a dictionary:

"Fusion" refers to two or more things combining to create one new thing. Generally, it describes the fusion of matter, energy, ideas, culture, etc."

In my mind, Fusion is associated with food and restaurants, but I felt that fusion does not have to necessarily be in the field of food.

For example, I think it is an element that will be needed more than ever in the future in the business world.

I think it’s important for two reasons:

1. Focusing on one thing is important, but the probability of new things being born out of it is less than when multiple things are combined.

2. From a risk management perspective, it is wise to not throw all your eggs in one basket.

When you’ve been concentrating on one thing and something challenging happens, there is a bigger risk involved.

For example, even if it is not in the business world, you can say some of this from a cultural perspective.

Outside of Japan, I spent several years in the U.S. and Singapore.

Both are multicultural countries, and the energy that comes from people with different backgrounds is very strong.

However, there are many challenges that come from being multicultural.

In some cases, it may not be possible to reach the stage of true fusion.

On the other hand, there are cases where fusion that cannot be created within a single culture such as Japan. I see that Japanese “fusion” is often developed overseas. Anime and sake are good examples.

What does Fusion mean for you, and in which areas of your life can you apply it?

Speaking of fusing things from various angles, I personally believe that we need to think about human resource development in a slightly different way in the future.

I am considering planning a roundtable discussion with those who are interested in this area.

We hope that some fusion will emerge from this discussion.

The heat wave is continuing in Japan, so please take good care of yourself!

May this week bring more smiles to the faces of those in other countries as well!


#207 What is a "rich life" for you?


#205 Power of Sharing, Power of Circulation