#205 Power of Sharing, Power of Circulation

We held a study group session held over the weekend over the topic of using your certifications and applying them to be a productive part of your everyday life. I felt once again that the actof sharing is simply powerful. I would like to share mainly my own learnings and realizations from this event.

Each of us has our own story.

Even though we are all learning the same things, each of us has our own story to tell, and I was very impressed by the expressions on everyone's faces as they tried their best to share their own.

We were able to discuss in detail our current situations with each other, and what areas we felt were challenging.

I shared my own story of where I feel I add value in advancing my two careers.

I shared specifically what I feel because I am still working in the field at a corporation, while also double-hatting as a coach. I intentionally do not call my coaching business a “side job,” and it was a great reaffirmation that I value both of my careers equally.

Just Qualified/Certified

In terms of just obtaining certifications, when you cross your qualifications with your own, do you create added value that others do not have? I think it is very important to consider whether or not getting a certification will enhance the skills and experiences that you already possess.

Each of us has different experiences and backgrounds. There must be something that is unique to you!

I could strongly sense this from the stories shared by the participants.

Continuous practice

Of course, it is important to look back on the basics on a regular basis.

But at the same time, we discussed with everyone the importance of repeating the practice.

I also learned a lot from the discussion on how we can connect this to our own life journeys in the future.

I also believe that the cycle and circulation that is created by connecting to the future is very important.

At the end of the meeting, I shared a problem that I have been having. We have actually held this study session series more than 10 times, but I am having trouble finding a suitable name for it, lol.

If you have any suggestions for a good name, please let me know!

It is still hot in Japan in September, so please take good care of your health!

I wish everyone, including those from other countries, a week with as many smiles as possible!!


#206 The Need for Fusion


#204 What does it mean to "complete" a project?