#207 What is a "rich life" for you?

This is the second in a series of keywords that have come up recently that started last week! This time, I would like to talk about what a truly "affluent life” looks like.

For me, a rich life is a life that seeks overall richness.

I want to work hard and give my best at work, and I also want to spend time with the people I love.

If either of these was lacking, it would not be a "rich life" for me.

And the reason I wrote the word "seek" is to focus on that aspect of my life.

Life has its ups and downs, and we may not always feel “rich.”

That is why it is important to focus, because I believe that life can be colorful that way.

It is also good to ask yourself from time to time, "How do I feel right now?”

In my case, my roots are unchanged, but I think some things are changing as my lifestyle changes.

So sometimes I stop and ask myself how I feel now.

If you do that, you may find unexpected answers coming out of yourself.

I looked back at some of the messages from the participants of the previous Boost Your Efficiency Challenge.

I have also looked back at some of the messages from previous participants in the Efficiency Challenge, such as, "I found abundance and quality time in my daily life," and "I now understand the meaning of my present life, which I had never thought about before.

These are the results of your own questions and reaffirmations.

To set aside even a small amount of time for these kinds of activities may be a step toward a "richer life" in the future.

Yesterday, I watched a documentary film.

It was a documentary about women journalists in India who are fighting for their belief that the world can and will change.

They are not rich financially, and in especially challenging positions of being women in the caste system.

Since I don’t have direct communication with Indian people, but only with those in my own financial industry, it was a time that made me think about "affluence" in many different ways.

What does "affluent life" mean to you nowadays? 

It was a three-day weekend in Japan. How did you spend your "quality time"?

I wish everyone, including those in other countries, a week with as many smiles as possible!


#208 Now is the Best Time for Me


#206 The Need for Fusion