#182 Can’t Journey Through Life Alone

What do you think about relying on others? I used to think it was something to be ashamed of, both in terms of work and in my personal life as well.

First of all, at the workplace, I used to think that I had to do everything myself.

I had to do everything… because I was in charge, because I was leading the project, etc.

Looking back now, I realize that I was doing it out of a sense of self-preservation.

I was being stubborn to protect myself.

And I was simply ashamed to rely on others.

Then, of course, there was no positive circulation, no flow of energy.

And there were times when I eventually found myself in a state of exhaustion.

It was my old boss in Singapore who taught me and gently guided me to learn from this.

He first trusted me, someone who had no management experience at that time.

He said, "If that's what you think, you should try it and I’ll agree with you; it’s your team, you should act based on your own ideas.”

But sometimes, when I felt like I was going too far off course, he would give me words of support that would set me on the right path.

I feel that by trusting me, he taught me to trust my own staff as well.

Little by little, over time, a positive flow was created within my team.

He also showed me through his actions that I am not alone by getting involved when necessary.

Fast forward to today, as a project manager.

There are so many things I have to ask of others, and I need support from multiple people.

I sometimes call them “my support team.”

I have never been good at relying on others in my personal life as well.

This is an area that I still find myself struggling at times.

I believe that in relationships, relying on the other person in a positive way leads to the building of trust on both sides.

This leads to a balance of give and take.

This is also true in learning situations.

For example, my NLP coaching trainers and colleagues.

We do not communicate on a daily basis, but we watch out for each other.

And when the need arises, we are there to support each other.

I feel that these relationships are built on mutual trust, and I am grateful for them.

Ultimately, I believe that one cannot go through life's journey alone.

I am grateful for each and every thing that surrounds my life and each and every person I interact with.

This is the last week of March. A few days of rain in the Kanto area caused the cherry blossoms to fall off a little.

We may be able to view the cherry blossoms for a few more days.

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#183 What are the "Survival Skills" We Will Need in the Future?


#181 What is the Meaning of Fulfilling Yourself?