#181 What is the Meaning of Fulfilling Yourself?

I have been sitting a lot the past few days, and for some reason I missed the "water" and went to see the ocean. Recently, I think I am becoming more sensitive to the signs from my senses and to the words I hear.

When these signs pop up, I start to think of how I can satisfy myself with what I can do now.

I had a day off from work, so I took a day trip to see the ocean.

I am writing this blog while looking at the sea, and I feel so happy!

I also visited a shrine beforehand, which also filled my soul quite a bit.

There is a 2,000 year old cedar tree there, and I got some power from it.

I guess I needed the power of nature today, such as the water and trees.

I think it is important not to miss the signs and to fill yourself up to the extent that you can now.

What do you usually do to fill yourself up?

Do you know what you need to do to fulfill yourself?

If you answered "I don't know," try to remember what makes you happy.

Start with the small things you can do now.

Also, try not to miss the usual signs.

My purpose for acting on satisfying myself this time was because I was sure that if I missed these signs, it would affect my performance from tomorrow on.

It is a different act from simply wanting to see the ocean or fulfilling the desire to play.

Also, in today's digital age, being in touch with nature is increasingly important.

In any case, I feel that getting to know oneself is the greatest journey in life.

In the Kanto region of Japan, the cherry blossoms are about to be in full bloom.

Perhaps we are attracted to cherry blossoms because we can only see them at this time of the year.

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#182 Can’t Journey Through Life Alone


#180 The Joy of Being Understood