#180 The Joy of Being Understood

How do you feel when you feel understood and supported? Last week I had the pleasure of catching up with a mentor of mine, and I was filled with a happy feeling that I am understood.

He used to be the agent in charge of my work and is someone I have been able to catch up with from time to time, even after he stopped being my direct agent.

He is now like a mentor to me in terms of my work.

We talk about things that are usually difficult to see when you are in the same environment, such as your current market value and future market trends.

It is like a "regular checkup" for me.

Every time I spend time with him, it is a meaningful time, but this time I felt especially pleased that he understood me.

Specifically, I was able to make comments and talk with him based on his full understanding of my skill set, which goes beyond what’s on my resume.

I know many people who make a lot of comments only on the surface, looking at their backgrounds and so on.

That's why I was glad to see that he was willing to look beyond that and give me advice.

I also felt grateful for the existence of what I sometimes call my own “cheerleaders.”

I am a coach myself, so I definitely need a mentor and a coach for myself.

In what situations do you feel that you are understood? Or not understood?

Do you have your own support group around you? Are you a cheerleader for someone else?

In my future human resource development and coaching activities, I will continue to be even more conscious of the support that goes beyond what’s on the surface! 

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#181 What is the Meaning of Fulfilling Yourself?


#179 Journey begins with what you can do