#176 The Journey to Effective Self-management

This past Saturday, I offered private coaching sessions, and on Sunday, I cleaned my house then went to a café to reflect on the day. I would like to share a part of my journey that led me to an effective way of self-management.

If I start from the beginning of my life stage, I would say that it really started when I spent 7 years in the United States.

I believe that it was there that I was able to establish my ability to self-manage, especially at the age and in the unique environment of boarding school life for my 3 years at high school, then in college.

It was a period in which we thoroughly learned basic lifestyle management, time management, and daily study management.

Looking back now, I feel that I had so much physical energy!

Since the U.S. has a long summer vacation period, I worked part-time every year during my temporary return to Japan.

What I learned from these experiences was self-discipline in society.

Although they were part-time jobs, it was my first experience to be paid.

I think I learned a small part of how society worked during this period, and I learned about the responsibilities within an organization and the need for self-management that came with it.

Once I was no longer a student, being a contributor in the workforce led to a whole new level of self-management.

Self-management is necessary as a member of society, and I have done a lot of project management within many different companies.

A job like project management requires that I manage myself holistically, not just in terms of work. There have been many lessons and realizations throughout my career on how well I can keep myself balanced and healthy.

With the coaching and human resource development work I do, I am conscious of the self-management and overall management of myself as a provider of a person-to-person service. I also make use of what I learned from my training as an NLP coach.

The journey to reach an effective self-management style has taken many years and stages to get to where I am today.

And of course, that journey will continue in the future.

I believe that by following basic steps and building on them, things will continue to get better and lead in the right direction.

This month, I’m offering an online gathering on "emotional management,” which is a big part of our ability to manage ourselves effectively.

I hope that by sharing your stories and journeys, you will be able to further develop an effective self-management style for yourself. 

February is almost halfway through. And it is still going to be cold in Japan for a while!

I hope you’re taking good care of yourselves, wherever you are in the world!

May this be a week with at least one more smile for all of you!


#177 Words that Resonated with Me Recently


#175 Expiration date