#175 Expiration date

About three years have passed since the Corona situation. It was time to renew my passport, and many thoughts came to mind. This time, I would like to share my thoughts on expiration dates in terms of things, time, etc. 

First of all, my lifestyle has changed.

I used to take it for granted that I could go abroad.

In my case, I used to go to Singapore once a year and Hawaii to see my family a few times a year.

Then came this situation, living only at home and online.

A little more time will pass and the situation will change and recover…

I was hoping so, but a few years have passed in a flash moment.

Recently, I especially feel how the past few years have affected me.

These days,I feel that I am living in a small world every day.

And of course, I have no time for real contact with my friends and family who live abroad.

I feel as if my wings have been suddenly broken. 

I believe that time and things have an expiration date, and I have to make the best choice for myself.

And everything is up to my own decision… what I consider to be my priorities.

I think it is important to start with what you can do one at a time, and do it.

I am going to renew my passport in the hope that the situation will be better in the near future.

Are there any items that you are waiting for for the right time, or is there anything where time is limited?

My stance is that I complete everything I can on my end, and only then, let the flow of things take its course.

Of course, each of us has different priorities and different ways of thinking.

I hope that as many people as possible can say that they made the best choice for themselves in the end!

In Japan, Setsubun is over and it is time to start a new season.

I wish you all a week with many more smiles on your faces!


#176 The Journey to Effective Self-management


#174 Reviewing Your Environment