#172 Importance of self-management

What kind of self-management do you usually do? Or do you not pay much attention to it? It is not just about managing our physical condition, but a comprehensive self-management.

Let me start with physical self-management.

I myself have been exercising regularly for about 19 years.

I started with boxercise in Japan, then yoga in Singapore, then yoga and Pilates after returning to Japan, and now Pilates with a personal trainer and machines.

The reasons why I started each of them varied, but initially I had the purpose of losing weight.

The gym that I am going to now, I have been with them for about 10 years.

When I think about it now, I feel that I have established my own style while trying out several different methods.

From my own experience, I believe that the key is to choose something that is realistic for you to continue, and then do it for a certain period of time and fine-tune as you go.

Next, in terms of self-management from a work perspective, project management is also a very important element in building two career paths for myself.

Which part of the job will you manage yourself overall, keeping yourself firm on point?

In my case, there used to be a part of me that was going about my work only from the perspective of what the organization wanted.

For example, I would proceed and manage my work only because others were asking for this or that, or because they said so.

In doing so, I would inevitably become overwhelmed within myself.

Now I feel it is important to manage myself comprehensively while putting myself out there in a good sense. 

It will take time to establish a certain level of self-management, but I think the key is to proceed through a process of trial and error.

It is important to establish self-management comprehensively, not only partially.

It is also important to find a style that suits you. 

This is because it will lead to continuity, and you yourself know best whether it suits you or not. 

Do you have a self-care management routine that you are currently following?

And do you feel that it suits you?

I encourage you to continue to find the best overall "self-management" for yourself, while having fun!

The photo was taken at a Pilates studio with a giant plant, lol. 

It has been cold again in Japan for the past few days.

I hope all of you, including those in other parts of the world, are taking good care of yourselves!

I️ wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#173 Life is about timing, and action/doing!


#171 Don't ignore the uncomfortable feeling inside you