#171 Don't ignore the uncomfortable feeling inside you

It has been about ten days since the New Year started, and I know that some of you have not started your engines yet, or will start full-fledged operation this week.

I think there is a lot of time to reflect during the year-end and New Year holidays when you have a little more time to yourself compare to usual.

I am one of those people, and one thing that comes up over and over again is

"Don't ignore the uncomfortable feeling inside you.”

It can be in the mind or in the physical.

I think the physical part is easier to understand.

I had some physical discomfort during the year-end and New Year holidays, so I went for a checkup after the vacation.

The results were fine, but I noted a difference in my mindset afterwards.

After taking action on the things I had felt uncomfortable with, I felt lighter and was able to focus on what I originally wanted to focus on.

Also, since life is not only about work, I think I was able to shift my focus to enjoying my personal life as well.

As for my mindset, I feel that it is important to communicate when I feel that I may not agree with something or that something may be going in a different direction.

Especially in work situations, many people think that if they say something, they might be thought of in this way or disrupt the peace.

Even if your point of view is not taken into account in the end, the fact that you have conveyed it to the other party and the people around you will remain.

And even if not all opinions are taken into account, it may lead to the partial acceptance of opinions.

I myself expressed many opinions at the team meeting at the beginning of the year.

Of course, not all of them were taken into consideration, but the fact remains that I was able to share my doubts and feelings of discomfort within the team.

This action helped me to keep my mind in a positive direction.

Sharing my own feelings of discomfort is not something you can do all of a sudden.

I have to be continually aware of it, or it will affect me later on in some way.

I think this is one of the things that I have established over the years as I have experienced how to release things.

How do you deal with your discomfort when you feel it in yourself?

Or have you left it behind somewhere without facing it?

I think it is important to start with what you can do in your own way, and believe it is important to start from there.

On the last day of a three-day weekend in Japan, I went to Hatsumode (New Year's visit to a shrine).

It felt good!

I think many people in Japan started full operation from this week.

I hope you will be able to spend your time with your physical and mind in good a condition as much as possible! 


#172 Importance of self-management


#170 Happy New Year to everyone ✨