Your Relationship with Your Workplace


Lately, I hear people talking a lot about “work style renovation,” “flexible ways to work from anywhere,” etc.

Last week, I had something that was making me feel a bit off with work, which prompted me to really think about all of the “relationships” I had with my previous companies.

I deeply reflected on the quality of each relationship.

I shared a little while ago about my sudden transfer to Singapore many years ago.

After a holiday break, I was summoned by my supervisor, who told me that they were moving the team to Singapore from Tokyo.

He wanted me to go as the team manager - but with half my current pay.

I didn’t tell him during that meeting, but I thought, “There’s no way!”

Many discussions and negotiations followed, and as a result, I was able to keep my salary the same, and I was also able to keep my status in the Japan office as well.

SARS broke out a few days before I left, which made things even more complicated, but in 3 years, I was able to really bring the team to a successful and cohesive place.

Fast forward to 2011, I was working as a project manager for a French company in Tokyo when the 3.11 earthquake happened.

After taking care of business in Tokyo, the mission was to create a second hub in Osaka, further away from the earthquake and any potential aftershocks. Because it was a time of emergency, and due to the nature of the company, the corporate headquarters was very supportive and generous when it came to sending funds our way.

I was in constant communication with them, reporting every little detail in what was needed.

As a result, we were able to successfully establish the Osaka location.

Both of these experiences with these two corporations reminded me that there was a lot of discussion that happened to meet the needs of both me as an individual as well as the team or company as a whole. This thorough communication was what led to a deeper trust between myself and the organization, and I was able to do my job more smoothly because of it.

And in emergency situations, the way both the individual and the company step up to the plate makes all the difference.

Similarly, during these current times, the way people work as well as so many other factors are rising up to the surface. 

I believe that trust is going to be even more important in our relationships with the companies we work for, and I know that this trust is what will lead us to more positive outcomes.

How do you envision building up your relationship with your work place?

August is almost over, and we’re starting to feel a little autumn breeze in the air in the evenings.

I wish you a wonderful week full of smiles!


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