Your own meaning and conviction

A lot of information comes in every day. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information. How do you deal with such situations? And what do you use as your axis or standard to make your final decision?

In this article, I would like to share with you what I keep in mind when I make decisions.

The first thing I do is to do my own research and deepen my understanding. If you only have partial bits of information, much of it will be generalizations.

And if you need to make a decision based on that information, the degree of conviction you have about that decision will be completely different later.

I believe that this process leads to a sense of understanding and digestion of the information in your own way, and finally to a sense of conviction that you have made the decision yourself.

For example, in my case, I was assigned to go to Singapore during the SARS epidemic, which I have written about several times in my blog.

It was different from the current global pandemic situation, but a few days before my assignment, the SARS epidemic became serious in Singapore.

The company told me that I could make my own decision on whether or not to go there.

At that time, there were already a few staff members in the area, so I listened to what they had to say in as much detail as possible.

After getting this information, what I focused on when making my decision was what it meant to me and whether I would regret it or be satisfied in the end.

The situation was tough at the time, but even now, I can clearly say that I made a good decision for myself.

I believe it was because I was convinced that I had made the right decision.

As I mentioned in the beginning, when I feel overwhelmed by the various information I receive on a daily basis, I believe that being aware of the implications and sense of conviction for myself will lead me to a good final decision.

It's been a typically blistery February week!

I'm looking forward to spring a little bit, so I'll share a flower photo that I saw a while ago.

I wish you all a week full of smiles!


Customize the way you work


Being a facilitator and a participant