Time to Strengthen Our Foundation

Until recently, many of us understood that "things are changing" and "things are accelerating," but perhaps didn’t really feel it or experience it. In Japan, where I currently live, I am beginning to feel and sense this in my daily life. I believe that we are entering a time when survival skills are no longer a necessity, but a must.

So how should we prepare? What should we do?

I would like to share a simple financial example.

How much do you know about your own financial situation?

I imagine that there is a wide range of people, from those who know their finances down to the last penny to those who do not keep track of their finances at all.

Of course, it is important to have a numerical grasp of your financial situation, but the next step is to understand what kind of lifestyle you want and how much of a gap there is between your lifestyle and where you want it to be.

How to follow up with a concrete plan comes next.

I believe that it is necessary to comprehensively determine the starting point, the current situation, what you want, and finally, what actions you need to take to reach your desired goal.

Only you can understand what you want.

As with anything else, financial planning requires comprehensive judgment.

That overall decision-making ability is part of what we need to survive these times.

As I informed my email subscribers ahead of time, we are considering holding a Money version of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge.

I hope to share a few of the things I’ve learned about building wealth and to give you a chance to figure out what you want financially for yourself. I feel that it’s never too late to start building a solid foundation when it comes to money, and now’s the time!

Over the weekend, I had lunch with friends and went to an art museum.

This time we saw works by Monet, Renoir, and other impressionist painters, and I had the experience of experiencing the paintings in three dimensions rather than two. As times change, the way we appreciate art changes, too!

I am sure that many of you will be taking your summer vacation, and I hope you have a good one.

I wish all of you a week with as many smiles as possible!


Proud to Be a Japanese Woman


What Accomplishment Feels Like to You