The Importance of “Me Time”


I was busy last week prepping for my 7-day time management challenge. Of course, any kind of launch like this is nerve-wracking, but it was important for me to act on it and learn from the experience.

One of the things that I emphasize in the challenge is the importance of self-care time or “me time.” I’m sure that looks different for each person, and may include quality time with family, time for focusing on your goals and dreams, and time for self-reflection, etc.

For me, the “me time” that I really needed last week came in the form of a self-reset time / time with my close friend.

Because I was busy preparing for the challenge as well as my job as a project manager, I was realizing that I wasn’t taking enough time out for myself.

Serendipitously, my friend called me to ask if I wanted to go for a day trip.

I immediately said yes, knowing that it was the perfect chance to not only get the much-needed break for myself, but also to spend some quality time with someone I truly care about.

Because I understand my own traits and habits, I was able to act on it right away to take care of my well-being. When my own needs aren’t met, I cannot perform well at work, either. If I lack any sleep, for example, I stop functioning properly, lol.

I also got some feedback from the challenge participants that they were able to understand their own patterns better than before.

This is why the time we spend facing our own selves is so important. This affects everything, both professionally and personally.

What is your definition of a time well spent or quality time? Or if you don’t feel like you have enough of the kind of quality time that you want, what is your ideal vision of quality time?

Here’s a photo of Mt. Fuji that we saw during the drive. The top photo is from when we had a nice lunch – we were driving, so it’s not wine, it’s an incredibly thick grape juice!


Quality “Me” Time