Personal but Professional


In the past, I had a huge resistance against bringing my personal opinions into my work. I felt that it would make me look unprofessional – but was that really true?

What I mean by “personal opinions” is my personal opinions related to work, as well as any personal scenarios that may directly affect my work.

I felt that because I was receiving compensation for my work as an employee, I felt that I didn’t have the right to insert myself in any personal way. 

So then things may move on at the time and get smoothed over, but as a result, the communication was only going one way. Later, I would feel resentful that I wasn’t being understood.

Now I understand that communication has to be both ways, and is crucial in keeping good relationships at work, and these are some key points that I practice on a regular basis. I hope that this can give you some reassurance and maybe a new perspective, if you have had any issues voicing yourself at work.

1. Before I discuss anything with a colleague or business partner, I imagine what they might want out of the conversation, or any questions that they might ask me. This way, I have a general but clear vision of how I see the discussion going.

2. I jot down the main points that I absolutely need to communicate to them, so I don’t forget. This really helps to make sure I don’t regret not saying everything I needed to say afterward.

3. I try to spread my opinions out throughout the conversation. Instead of hesitating or telling them all of my opinions all at once, I try to have a good balance between being assertive and being able to listen.

Going along with assumptions or trying to fit things into some box only makes it more difficult for yourself, and then you feel uncomfortable being in that position. 

I believe that having this balance of being assertive and being yourself but maintaining professionalism is totally possible, only if you change your awareness just a little.

It’s been rainy over here in Tokyo but I try my best to keep a smile on my face – I hope it’s been a nice week for you as well!


It’s an Internal Battle


Proactive Communication