The Importance of Communicating

I have been writing Christmas cards by hand and sending them to my relatives and friends overseas for many years now. The time I spend writing messages while thinking of the recipient is a truly precious time for me. How do you communicate your feelings to people you care about?

Nowadays, there are so many different ways to communicate.

A while ago, I was writing a Christmas card as usual, and I was thinking about how much we usually do to convey our true feelings to others.

Especially among Japanese people, there is a tendency to assume that we understand each other through non-verbal means.

But is this really communicated to the other party?

I believe that it is necessary to convey very important thoughts and things.

Have you ever had the experience of actually communicating properly and receiving an answer that you had never imagined?

Of course, it depends on the case, but I think it is important to be aware of the need to communicate.

I also think that there are those who may feel resistance or difficulty in suddenly voicing your truth.

In such cases, how about writing a little of your feelings in a seasonal letter, like a Christmas card?

It may be a good opportunity to hear about the other person's recent situation or thoughts that you have not been able to ask about in the past.

There are many ways to communicate, so we can all choose to communicate in a style that suits each one of us, and simply have fun with it.

That's what I was thinking about for a few days.

It is very cold today in the Kanto region of Japan, but it is a beautiful winter day!

I'm going to go send out the rest of the Christmas cards I wrote!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


Savoring the Season


Catching Up Face-to-face