Beyond the Initial Goal

I’ve written about the importance of one’s purpose and the main reason why you’re doing what you’re doing.

In your professional as well as personal life, what is the purpose behind your goals and dreams? And how do you connect that to your next steps?

I took some self-reflection time to ask myself how I want to move forward in my life and why. I had written a mission statement for myself, and confirmed that what I had written is still holding strongly.

This is just my opinion, but it seems like so many people focus on “how” to do things, instead of focusing on “why” they’re doing it.

I got my official certification as an NLP master practitioner coach, and that made me even more conscious of how I’ll be using it further in my life.


My Mission Statement

1) I wish to offer my unique human resources and development programs in both Japan and abroad, based on my experience as a project manager as well as my coaching skills. I’m passionate about providing assistance to those who feel that their “current location” and “ideal destination” are far apart.

We live in times that require survival skills in all sorts of ways, and I feel that there needs to be a new way of approaching personal and staff training. This extends beyond traditional employment structures.

I feel that this is necessary in the corporate arena as well, since the world is changing rapidly. My experiences below have given me the motivation to feel this necessity:

– The time I struggled to find a job in Japan after my 7 years studying in the US

– When a headhunting agent taught me about the importance of understanding my “market value,” which prompted me to take a big leap into the next phase of my career

– When the company I was working for asked me to move to Singapore on half the salary I was receiving in Japan, but I was able to negotiate the same pay after many discussions and negotiations

– When I was able to successfully negotiate against unreasonable prices from vendors when my company had to move to Osaka in an emergency after the 3/11 earthquake 

– The time I left my secure corporate job to start a business overseas. I had to go to back to Japan due to Visa issues, but I was able to obtain project-based contracts and create an even better and more flexible work structure for myself

2) I want people to find happiness and new perspectives through my business.

I’ve been a project manager on numerous projects, but I had the honor to receive some very meaningful words from many of those project members. “If you hadn’t been our manager, we wouldn’t have made it this far.” That gave me all the strength and sense of accomplishment to go over all the obstacles and hurdles.

When clients who have received my coaching services or have participated in my programs tell me that they’ve discovered something new or learned something about themselves, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.

3) I want to help people bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to belong.

When I was studying in the US, my biggest struggle was finding my place in the world. I was fortunately blessed with many friends, but I often questioned my identity. Once I became an adult, I often struggled with where I really wanted to go, and what my purpose actually was. Having started my studies in coaching a few years ago, I’ve had many opportunities to reflect on myself and where I am. I know that there are many, even just in my immediate circle, who struggle with this, and I wish to be able to help them find their own solutions through my support.

4) Most of all, I want to feel I’m living my purpose. I love sharing the aha moments with my clients through the services I provide, and I know that the struggles I’ve overcome can help others do the same for themselves.


Proactive Communication


Quality “Me” Time