#199 What comes first? Assessing priorities

People often come to me saying that they have trouble with setting their priorities straight, whether it’s in the one-on-one coaching sessions or in workshops.

The solution to this often simpler than we think, and I always suggest this:

Think about your “why” instead of the “how” FIRST.

This may sound very simplistic, but most people have this in the opposite order; they often think of the “how” before the “why.”

When it becomes unclear why we are doing something in the first place, we become confused and then we lose sight of our priorities.

I believe from my own experience that in many cases, the outcome will be much better if we have the “why” firmly in place before we figure out the “how.”

This then transfers to our ability to communicate with others when we’re actually trying to get things done.

If we’re sure of our why - then we can more effectively communicate the how’s to others with whom we’re trying to create a win-win situation out of.

This is when I am very conscious of the direction of the “arrows” of communication.

I determine whether the other person's arrow is pointing toward themselves or toward us.

By doing so, I can understand more about the other person, and it becomes clear how to proceed with the discussion and execution.

Also, when thinking about things, you will see things differently by being aware of this arrow. (Ideally, the arrows are pointing both ways, not necessarily all the time, but with an equal energy exchange overall)

When you are in trouble, or when you need to make a decision, which direction should the arrow be pointing in?

This may vary depending on the event, but I believe that the direction in which to turn will become clear.

Does your “why” come before your “how” and when acting on the tasks, does the direction of the arrow point in the appropriate direction(s)?

The rainy season has finally ended in Kanto.

The heat is getting more and more intense, so please take good care of yourself!

I wish you a week with many smiles, including those in other regions and countries!


#200 Take Charge of Your Own Life!


#198 Life's Journey Is Continuous