#197 Importance of Focusing on Others 

When you communicate, how focused are you on the other person? Do you let them know that you are focused on your communication with them? 

I see many people who do not focus on the present, from meetings with large groups of people to communication with family and friends. Focusing on the present moment, even if it is only for a few minutes, can make all the difference in the outcome of communication. 

I believe that the importance of this aspect of communication will be questioned in the future because of the various ways of working and lifestyles we have today. 

For example, until now, we worked in a face-to-face environment. However, with the shift to online, the ratio of face-to-face interaction has decreased. In the past, we would have been able to communicate with each other immediately, but now we cannot do it directly. In these situations, things will not progress with the communication style that had been used in the past. 

This is where focusing on the now and concentrating on the other person becomes important. I feel that it is also important to convey the message of "I am focused on communicating with you!” This may be shown by words or attitude. It is also something that is conveyed to the other person in subtle ways that could include body language and overall energy.

There are many times when I feel that a person is not listening to me, and it is very disappointing. Someone once apologized to me for not being able to focus on our conversation, and I appreciated their honesty to be able to admit it like that. I also recognize again that sometimes, I have not fully focused on the other person, and that is something I would like to eliminate as much as possible.

It shows respect to the other person, and above all, it makes a difference in the outcome of communication. 

Of course, this is important not only at work, but also in your personal life. 

I think it is very important to be considerate to the other person in a close relationship. 

How much focus do you usually give to the other person you’re communicating with?

It's July and the weather in Japan is getting hot and humid. Let's take good care of ourselves so we don’t get overheated! 🥵 

I wish all of you, including those in other regions and countries, a week with as many smiles as possible! 


#198 Life's Journey Is Continuous


#196 Quality of Life I Desire