#196 Quality of Life I Desire

I have been working face to face with people from our US teams for the past few weeks, and after going abroad for the first time in a while, I reflected upon the "quality of life I want." I was reminded of the importance of knowing what you want for your life.

This is just an opinion based on what I know, but I feel that the ratio of people who know what they want, whether it is for work or play, is higher outside of Japan.

This may be due to the fact that there are many environments in which people are asked for their own opinions.

Take school education, for example.

In the US, the teacher rarely speaks one-sidedly, and students are asked to present what they think in their own way.

If they do not come up with an opinion, it is assumed that they do not understand.

So you are in an environment where how you present yourself is how you present yourself on a daily basis.

In the process, you become competitive with others, and you are also in a situation where you have to “win” in a positive way.

And in the process, I think it leads to more opportunities to think about what you want.

This is true even when it comes to one meal.

I ordered lunch at the face-to-face meeting with my US-based colleagues, and people were really clear about what they wanted to eat! There were times when I thought it might be a little difficult to arrange the food orders, but in the end, they ate what they wanted to eat and were full of smiles.

What about your overall lifestyle, including your personal life? I feel that there is a part of a person's life satisfaction that is proportional to his/her understanding of "I want to live this kind of life style!”

In other words, it is because they understand how they can be happy in the environment they are in.

I met an old student of my grandfather's in Hawaii, who does not live in a convenient city.

But he had a very clear idea of what he wanted to do with his time with his family, the warm climate, and the place he was going to be.

Anyway, Japan is a country of convenience, and there are many inconveniences abroad.

Do you want to include these inconveniences in what you are doing?

I felt that understanding oneself is important regardless of nationality or circumstance.

We are now entering the second half of the year 2023!

I am now fully charged with the time with my family and the energy I received from the earth.

In the second half of the year, I would like to move forward with even greater awareness of what I want.

I wish everyone a week that brings more smiles to your faces!


#197 Importance of Focusing on Others 


#195 Self-Management in Tough Times