Going Beyond Speaking Another Language

Many Japanese people aspire to speak better English. They believe (and it is true to some extent) that they would have more opportunities at work and more people to communicate with. They also simply want to be able to speak the language. But why do they want that?

I believe from my own experience that what is needed from now on is not only the ability to speak another language, but also the ability to go beyond that.

I myself was educated in a Japanese public school with no connection to English until I was 12 years old.

Then, at the behest of my parents, I was suddenly enrolled in the middle school of an international school.

I couldn't even do one homework assignment because I couldn't speak any English, and I cried every day for about a year.

My mother could speak English, so I relied on her to help me do my homework every day.

However, there was a limit to how much we could do as a parent and child.

I took support classes at school for students whose native language was not English, and with the help of a university student tutor, I managed to avoid repeating my final year of middle school, and entered a high school in the U.S. as a regular student.

By this time, I had a good foundation in English, so in terms of language skills, I had managed to pass the test. However, the real challenge - the real start - came after this.

Beyond the language, there was culture shock and the gap between our different cultures. The challenges continued as I entered the workforce and experienced working in foreign companies and overseas.

In a sense, this challenge still continues to this day, such as communicating and adjusting in a multi-racial environment.

If anyone wants to work or have any relationship with people from foreign countries, I feel that language skills are merely a starting point.

With this in mind, I’m starting a trial service to help people for non-native English speakers to prepare for interviews and presentations in English.

I will provide comprehensive consultations on presentation skills necessary for business, based on my experience and perspectives as both an interviewer and an interviewee, which I have had to be over 50 times during my career. 

The trial service will be dedicated and suitable for people who:

  • Can speak English to some extent, but don't have many opportunities to practice giving interviews or presentations in English, and would like to increase those opportunities.

  • Want to do mock interviews and presentations.

  • Would like to hear what points to focus on in their preparation as an interviewer and/or interviewee

  • Want to know the differences between a typical interview at a Japanese company and an interview at a foreign company.

I would appreciate it if you could send me a message here if you know anyone who are interested!

It’s “Golden Week” here in Japan - a rush of national holidays clumped together to basically form a long week off for most people.

I wish everyone a great week full of smiles, wherever you are in the world!


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