#233 The Story Behind My Name

We are each born and given a name - and with that comes individual stories and intentions from whoever named us. Recently, I have been thinking more about how to move forward from here on out, and the relevance of my name connected with my future.

It was my grandfather on my mother's side who gave me my name.

He was an eccentric man… in a good way!

He admired the Mito clan and became a kendo and iaido master. He also mastered the art of Seitaijutsu, a form of Japanese body work, and spread it throughout Japan and abroad.

He was a kind of modern samurai.

He was just a gentle grandfather to me, but I am sure he was a someone my mother and her siblings looked up to.

My mother's name was Yoko, which translates to “Sun Child.”

My grandfather named her, and this was a name that implied a wish that she would be as bright as the sun.

She really had  such a bright spirit, just like her name.

My grandfather thought of my name, Maho, which means to “keep your truth.” 

May this child be a person who keeps the truth….

That’s kind of a big mission!

However, when I thought about my overall future, I had an epiphany.

The world has become increasingly with information, and it is often difficult to know the truth. Things move incredibly fast.

What is important to me… and where do I find my footing? Where is my center, so I don’t just get swept away?

What is the truth for you?

This is perhaps what my grandfather and the people around me have entrusted in me… that I am someone who can help (myself and) others to reflect their truth on them.

It was the moment when I decided to be even more conscious of this in every aspect of my life.

What kind of feelings and stories do you have in your name?

How would you like to connect those feelings to the future?

This week we will have many visitors from the US at my company.

I imagine it will be a busy week, but we will try to have fun!

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#234 Capturing Communication Styles


#232 The Cycle of Life