#185 The mindset required for reporting from the field

In any workplace, I believe it is very important to have input from people from the field; people who actually know the day-to-day events on a very real level. As a manager who needs to ask questions and communicate with them, I believe the communication needs to always come from a one-step-ahead perspective.

For example, let's say there is a situation at work where the manager needs to communicate a request.

Of course, the manager, or listener, takes the lead and asks about the requirements.

But the person being asked also has a responsibility to convey the specifics in a clear manner.

I believe this is based on a day-to-day practice of preparing for these types of communication.

That "preparation" is not just putting things in writing, but also involves mental preparation.

Some people may have a good understanding of what they are doing, but they may not be able to communicate that properly.

And some of them leave everything up to others, which can lead to an unsatisfactory final product.

If you are the one on the ground and doing the tasks, then it would be great to be able to communicate readily what’s going on, but also do it in a way that is most efficiently and clearly put together for the other party to really understand.

I always say that communicating is important, based on the assumption that none of us really understand each other. If we assume that the other party will understand without doing our part on effectively communicating, then things can easily fall apart.

I also think it is very important to be prepared on a regular basis.

I believe that by being more aware of what is required of us when we’re working in the field or when we are communicating what’s going on, we can create better things for ourselves and the greater organization we’re a part of.

We are now at the turn of April. Yesterday, hailstorms hit the Kanto area!

It was also falling on my balcony with a crackling sound.

The climate changes as rapidly as the world moves, but I want to make the most of each and every day!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


Don’t Forget to Be Playful


#184 Simplify in Your Own Style